Definition: Co-citation

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Co-citation” is a concept in search engine optimization (SEO) that refers to the association of two or more websites or pages based on the presence of similar or related content. It is the idea that if two websites or pages are frequently referenced together in other websites, it may indicate a relationship or relevance between them.

In the context of SEO, co-citation is often used as a ranking factor by search engines to determine the relevance and authority of a website or page. The presence of links or mentions of a website or page on other high-quality, relevant websites can indicate to search engines that the site is a valuable resource on a particular topic, and can therefore help to improve its search engine ranking.

Co-citation is also used as a tool for analyzing the competition, identifying influencers in a particular market, and understanding the relationships between different websites and pages within a given niche or industry. By tracking the co-citation patterns of websites and pages, SEO professionals can gain insights into the strengths and weaknesses of their own site, as well as the opportunities and threats posed by their competitors.

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By Ashley Bryan

Ashley Bryan is an Internet Strategist and a SEO Consultant located on the Sunshine Coast in Australia with over 19 years' experience. He owns WebsiteStrategies which serves small to medium businesses in Australia and New Zealand. Follow him: Facebook LinkedIn Twitter