Definition: Sitelinks

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Sitelinks are additional links that appear below the main link to a website in the search engine results pages (SERPs). They provide users with quick access to specific pages or sections within a website that are relevant to their search query.

Sitelinks are typically generated by search engines based on an algorithm that takes into account factors such as the popularity and relevance of the pages within a website, the structure and navigation of the site, and the content of the pages.

For website owners, having sitelinks in the SERPs can increase the visibility and click-through rate (CTR) of their site, as users are able to access specific pages directly from the search results. It can also help to establish a website as a credible and authoritative source of information on a specific topic.

However, website owners have limited control over the sitelinks that appear for their site, as they are generated by the search engines. To optimize for sitelinks, website owners can focus on improving the structure and navigation of their site, creating high-quality content, and ensuring that their pages are relevant and well-optimized for search.

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