Definition: Srcset

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The srcset attribute is an HTML attribute that allows developers to specify different sources for an image, based on different device capabilities or screen sizes. It is used to provide different versions of the same image, so that the most appropriate image can be served to the user, depending on their device.

The srcset attribute is added to the img tag in HTML and can be used in conjunction with the sizes attribute to provide even more control over how images are displayed on different devices. With srcset, a different image file can be specified for different screen resolutions, pixel densities, or other device characteristics.

For example, if an image is intended to be displayed on both desktop and mobile devices, a larger version of the image can be specified for desktop devices, while a smaller version of the image can be specified for mobile devices. This allows for better performance on slower or lower-bandwidth devices, and ensures that images are always displayed optimally on different devices.

The srcset attribute is a powerful tool for optimizing the performance and user experience of a website, and is an important part of responsive web design, which aims to make websites work seamlessly on different devices and screen sizes.

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