Definition: Bounce Rate

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Bounce rate” is a metric used in web analytics to measure the percentage of visitors to a website who leave after viewing only one page. Bounce rate is often used as an indicator of a website’s user experience and the relevance of its content to the visitor’s needs. A high bounce rate, meaning a high percentage of visitors leaving after only viewing one page, can indicate that the website’s content is not relevant or useful to the visitor, or that the website has technical issues such as slow load times or poor navigation. A low bounce rate, on the other hand, can indicate that a website is providing a positive user experience and that its content is relevant and valuable to visitors. Bounce rate can be used to identify areas for improvement on a website and to track the impact of changes to a website’s content and user experience over time. It is important to note that while bounce rate can be a useful metric, it is only one of many factors that can impact a website’s success and should be considered in conjunction with other metrics, such as page views, average time on site, and conversion rates.

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