Definition: Broken Link:

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A “broken link” is a hyperlink (i.e. a link from one web page to another) that does not work as intended, typically because the destination page cannot be found or has moved. Broken links can result in a number of problems, including poor user experience, reduced search engine visibility, and reduced credibility for a website.

Broken links can occur for many reasons, including changes to a website’s structure or URL, removal or deletion of content, or misconfiguration of links. They can also be caused by technical issues, such as server errors or network disruptions.

To prevent broken links and improve the user experience and credibility of a website, it is important to regularly check for and fix any broken links. This can be done manually by clicking on each link and checking the destination page, or by using tools such as broken link checkers, which automate the process and provide a report of any broken links on a website. Fixing broken links can also help improve search engine optimization (SEO), as search engines may view broken links as a sign of a low-quality or poorly maintained website.

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