Definition: Indexability

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Indexability refers to the ability of a search engine to crawl and add a website or web page to its index, so that it can be included in search results. A website or web page that is indexed by a search engine is more likely to be included in search results for relevant keywords, which can drive more traffic to the site.

For a website or web page to be indexed, it must be accessible by the search engine’s crawler, and it must not contain any technical barriers that prevent the crawler from accessing and indexing its content. Factors that can affect indexability include the presence of “noindex” meta tags, robots.txt files that block crawlers, or broken links and other technical issues.

To ensure that a website is indexable, website owners should ensure that their website is accessible and free from technical barriers, and that it contains high-quality, relevant content that is optimized for search engines. Additionally, they should regularly monitor the performance of their website in search results and address any indexability issues that may arise.

Overall, indexability is an important factor in the success of a website in search results, and website owners should take steps to ensure that their website is accessible and indexable by search engines.

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