Definition: Mirror Site

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A mirror site is a copy of a website that is hosted on a different server and often in a different location from the original site. Mirror sites are used for a variety of purposes, including providing backup and redundancy for a website, distributing the load and bandwidth of a website across multiple servers, and providing access to a website from different geographical locations.

Mirror sites can be updated regularly to ensure that they reflect the latest content and changes made to the original site. They can also be used to provide alternative access to a website, especially in cases where the original site is experiencing high traffic or technical difficulties.

In some cases, mirror sites can also be used to provide different versions of a website, tailored to specific countries or regions, or to provide alternative URLs or domains for a website. However, it is important to note that having multiple versions of a website can have negative effects on search engine optimization (SEO) and can dilute the authority and reputation of a website, if not implemented and managed properly.

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