Definition: Natural link

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A natural link, also known as an organic link, is a type of backlink that is created naturally and not artificially. Natural links are created when other websites link to your site because they find the content relevant, valuable, or informative. These links are considered to be a sign of the quality and authority of a website and are often seen as a positive factor in determining its ranking in search results.

Natural links are different from unnatural or artificial links, which are created for the purpose of manipulating search engine rankings or artificially increasing the number of links to a website. Such links are often created through link networks, paid links, or other manipulative techniques, and can be seen as spam by search engines. As a result, search engines may penalize or ignore websites with unnatural links, which can negatively impact their ranking and visibility in search results.

For this reason, it is important to focus on creating high-quality, relevant content that naturally attracts backlinks and avoid engaging in manipulative link building practices that can harm your website’s reputation and ranking in search results.

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