Definition: UGC link attribute

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UGC link attribute, short for User-Generated Content link attribute, is a labeling system used by search engines to identify links that are generated by users rather than website owners or editors.

In many cases, links that are generated by users can provide valuable information to search engines about the quality and relevance of a website’s content. For example, if many users are linking to a website, it can indicate that the website has valuable information and is popular among its users.

By using the UGC link attribute, search engines can differentiate between links that are generated by users and links that are placed by website owners or editors, such as those in the website’s main navigation or footer. This information can be used by search engines to help determine the relevance and quality of a website’s content, and to help prevent websites from using manipulative or spammy link-building practices.

In general, links that are marked with the UGC link attribute are treated differently by search engines than other types of links. For example, search engines may apply a lower weight to UGC links than to other types of links when determining the ranking of a website in search results.

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